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Understanding Our Whole (Full Book)
Image Sources

Image Sources


0-1 - Photo generated with Midjourney V4 using the prompt "an 1800 style portrait of Isaac Newton wearing a wig".

Chapter I - Field of View

I-1 - Photo by Giorgio Trovato (opens in a new tab) on Unsplash (opens in a new tab)
I-2 - Photo by Hanny Naibaho (opens in a new tab) on Unsplash (opens in a new tab)
I-3 - Photo by DALLE 2 using the caption "a laptop on the bed with the screen showing a picture of a cute cat wearing a fedora hat"
I-4 - Photo by Emma Dau (opens in a new tab) on Unsplash (opens in a new tab)
I-5 - Photo generated via DALLE 2 as a derivation of another photo of a little finger monkey.
I-6 - Photo by Christian Ladewig (opens in a new tab) on Unsplash (opens in a new tab)
I-7 - Photo generated via DALLE 2 using the prompt "santa claus wearing sunglasses smiling and riding the sasquatch ultra 4k" - It's like that song, you don't always get what you want...but you might get what you need.
I-8 - Santa's balls. There, I said it.
I-9 - Photo generated via DALLE 2 using the prompt "a group of biological cells with smiling faces wearing backpacks on a hill"
I-10 - Credit for original photo (without cool green lines): Generated via DALLE 2 using the prompt "Earth in space 4k realistic picture."
I-11 - Credit for original photo (without cool green lines): Nasa Earth Observatory (opens in a new tab)

Chapter II - What kind of organism is human society?

II-1 - Photo by DALLE 2 using the prompt "a woman dressed in a peacock costume, a man dressed in a pirate suit, a woman in a pickle costume and an android sit next to a watercooler". I then edited Pickle Rick in the picture using DALLE's inpainting technique.

Chapter III - Does Human Society Feed?

III-1 - Anonymous Author
III-2 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "A planet from space with a cloud of farts surrounding it". III-3 - Image generated with DALLE as a variation of this public domain photo (opens in a new tab).
III-4 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "a cat eating a flower from a flower pot, with the roots showing".\

Chapter IV - Does Human Society Reproduce?

IV-1 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "an old man with a beard and sunglasses and a toned body waterskiing while carrying his pet dog pinup art". I know, I have a sick head, so sue me.
IV-2 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "close-up of a man holding a child with beautiful eyes who has just spitted some goo on his shirt pinup art".
IV-3 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "planet Earth from space".
IV-4 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "a dark green planet from space with little lights on its landmass".
IV-5 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "a planet similar to earth at night from space with a dark orange moon".

Chapter V - Do Human Societies Evolve??

V-1 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "a hghly detailed display of a cake shop with different cake varieties".
V-2 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "witch feet with toes that have smiley faces instead of toes"
V-3 - Images generated with DALLE using the following prompts, in order from top left to bottom right:
V-3-1 - " 4d render of an underwater city in a dome, birds eye view"
V-3-2 - "a highly detailed 3d render of a round starship in space"
V-3-3 - "a starship travelling through space"
V-3-4 - "a starship travelling through space"
V-3-5 - "4d render of an underwater city in a dome, birds eye view"
V-3-6 - "elvis belt buckle in space"
V-3-7 - "a starship travelling through space"
V-3-8 - "a starship travelling through space"
V-3-9 - "a highly detailed 3d render of a round starship in space"
V-4 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "3 reptilian monsters in a cave digital art".
V-5 - Image custom designed for this particular task - by a real live artist, no less, since the necessary details would have been impossible using AI.
V-6 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "a women dressed in a peacock costume and a man dressed in a pirate suit kiss passionately next to a watercooler, digital art". (Yes, there's a typo in the prompt, but whatever, that was the prompt that generated the image.)

Chapter VI - Does Human Society Think?

VI-1 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "a killer refrigerator with a mouth and big sharp teeth surrounded by people running away from it digital art"
VI-2 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "A crocodile dressed in a pink tutu and doing a twirl digital art"
VI-3 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "a man with a see-through skull and a brain filled with ideas". I then added my own little ideas about what that brain was filled with - that's the segmentation of the brain with the words you see.
VI-4 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "earth playing movies, books video games and music 4k hyper realistic photo" VI-5 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "a woman in a short skirt and high heels doing a backflip in front of a police officer on the highway at night".
VI-6 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "A black and white distant portrait of a very cute cat wearing a top hat, a moustache and a suit and tie". Text subsequently added.
VI-7 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "an aerial photograph of the whole population of the world gathered up in Tennessee".
VI-8 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "a nightmare of dropping my laptop in the ocean during a storm".
VI-9 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt " a table with a golden tray that has 27 chocolate bars stacked in a pyramid, and a person standing next to it and looking very focused at the chocolate bars".

Chapter VII - How To Make Human Society Aware That She Is An Organism

VII-1 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "someone dressed as a automobile chair absurd fashion sense". I sometimes use the word 'absurd' to generate interesting images.
VII-2 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "a person looking at Earth from aboard the international space space station".
VII-3 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "close-up portrait of a person looking at a blob of milk floating in front of them".
VII-4 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt " a picture of a person with a headache aboard a spaceship looking in pain outside the window to see Earth".

Chapter VIII - How To Make Human Society Aware That She Is A Living Organism

VIII-1 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "a chef that looks like a nice human baking a cake that looks like Shrek".
VIII-2 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "photo of a group of people sitting in the NASA mission control center cheering, clapping and being excited.".
VIII-3 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "a picture of the planet Mars on a candy bar wrapper which is floating in space".
VIII-4 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "a kitchen counter that has a toaster that burst into flames, among other kitchen paraphernalia".
VIII-5 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "Chucky scaring a child". It took generating a good 5 sets of 4 images to make this happen.
VIII-6 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "the exact moment when the baseball bat of an angry man dressed in a fancy suit that is standing on the roof of a car touches the windshield of the car, breaking it into a thousand pieces". This took generating 14 sets of 4 images, with various tweaks to the prompt along the way.
VIII-7 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "an Earthship in the middle of the desert".
VIII-8 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "a robot doing a backflip on top of a walkboard in a laboratory".
VIII-9 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "a robot arm serving drinks to a man sitting in the corner". I first tried using Midjourney to generate the image, but I kept getting robot bartenders - like actual robots. So I switched to DALLE, and first generated the robot arm, then outpainted to produce the person on the left.
VIII-10 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "a wide shot of Mr T with a mohawk wearing gold chains and looking at the camera in a filming studio".

Chapter IX - Can Human Society Get The Sniffles?

IX-1 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "a silly yak clown on a beautiful hill". I generated the final version of this image late in the website development process, as the past image's yak was just not silly enough.
IX-2 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "a full-body view of Jorah Mormont with scaly skin on his arm".
IX-3 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "high definition bird's eye view of a bombed neighbourhood". Chose DALLE because in contrast with Midjourney, it's better at generating "realistic"-looking images, especially when the details are not important.
IX-4 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "A few ghosts sitting around a cozy campfire and telling scary stories". I then overlayed the speech bubble with Chuck Norris. The Chuck Norris image was also generated using Midjourney, with the prompt " a pencil drawing of chuck norris holding an uzi". Dunno where the Uzi is supposed to be, but since it's Chuck Norris, I'm assuming Midjourney is implying that he IS the Uzi.
IX-5 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "a grizzly bear standing proud on its hind legs, with one of its paws on its belly and the other one up in the air, dancing next to a mountain lake, with a boombox next to the bear". It took generating 14 sets of 4 images to get to this image.
IX-6 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "a diver ironing a shirt using a shark as a ironing board". In the first version, I had an image of someone pulling cars using his gonads, but when I tried to generated the same image using AI, it really didn't work - so I chose another extreme sport.
IX-7 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "two soldiers with knives in their hands hanging around a prisoner who is tied to a pole, in black and white".
IX-8 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "a muscular child doing plank on a bed of coals". That sounds really wrong taken out of context.
IX-9 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "a super cute furry puppy".
IX-10 - Image generated with DALLE using the prompt "legs or hot dogs", with an input image of similar legs...or hotdogs. Tried Midjourney as well with a bunch of prompts, but DALLE is just better at hyperreal images.
IX-11 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "a sad super cute furry puppy that is dressed as a pacifist".


E-1 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "two drunken best friends walking arm in arm while holding drinks in their hands and laughing", which is probably the most vanilla prompt that Midjourney has ever gotten.
E-2 - Ah this was a tough one. I had a particular image in mind, but I couldn't get Midjourney to generate it. I could however get it to generate the start of it - with the milk in the middle (prompt "a bottle of milk standing next to a showdown between some peanuts and some eggs"). So I used that image in DALLE, removed some of the background, and then outpainted the rest of the image, using the prompt "a bottle of milk standing next to a fight between some peanuts and some eggs"
E-3 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "a peanut sculpture of Morticia Addams and Gomez Addams".
E-4 - Image generated with Midjourney using the prompt "a laughing baby drenched in peanut butter on the kitchen floor". Another one not good to be taken out of context.

Last updated on February 5, 2023