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Understanding Our Whole (Full Book)
The mildly serious Prologue (..before the less seriously styled book)

The not-so-serious Prologue (...before the even less seriously styled book)

The Book

So, how did I begin writing this book? I know you didn't ask, but I'm gonna tell you anyway because, as this book will show, I don't care about your feelings. If I did, I wouldn't have made you read so many bad jokes throughout it.

Let's all started as a project in 2017, when I began my initiation in the magic cabal called University. It came off the back of three other weird books I had written before that touched on the main subject - the multizoa theory - in one way or another...But with this one, University life inspired me to attempt to make it funny. My Uni friends all joked about the fact that my dumb sense of humour made it easier for them to express themselves, because they thought my jokes were so bad that they couldn't flop half as much on a bad day, so I was like...Why keep this gift from the world? Everybody should see how bad I am at humour, so that they could feel more at peace with their jokes. #spreadlove

And so, the journey to write this book began. There were many laugh-out-loud moments for me while writing it, so if you ever cringe at one joke and think 'Why God, why?', just know that it's largely because I had fun thinking it up. And thank God, because writing books while other/more fun stuff you like goes on around you is a tough sell: Hanging out with friends, hatha yoga, video games, social media, amazing movies, amusement parks, traveling, bar hopping, freestyle name it, I love it. So I don't know about you, but in order for me to sit down and write a book, I need to make it fun for myself. This style of writing does just that.

I'm also genuinely hoping that you find some of this stuff funny....or at least surprising or weird enough to make the process of reading the book, which is so last century, more fun for you. And if not, there's a special page on this website dedicated to you called 'cry me a river' (opens in a new tab).

The Artwork

Initially, when I first came out with the book, I had picked up artwork from all sorts of forgotten corners of the internet.

But some time after I finished the first iteration of the book, I got very interested into machine learning and AI. I studied the mathematical underpinnings of AI as part of my Masters, and began to experiment with all sorts of new AI tools.

One of these tools were image generating models. And I realized that it would be cool to remake the artwork in my book using these models - I would learn a lot about them, and maybe my process will help other artists to learn how to use them.

So I plan to write the origin of every single image on the site. By the time you read this, I'm hoping that most images will have origin stories in their origin notes.

I plan on making the images NFTs to outline what NFTs are to me - a means to share into a piece of art, and its success. To be a part of that art’s journey, not just as someone who sees it, but as an active participant. It also means that when augmented reality glasses become a thing and we start "hanging" digital artworks on our walls for all our friends to see, you can brag by hanging an original multizoa artwork that you own.

The Website

To put this new art somewhere, I wanted to build a website. I am a programmer at heart (amongst other hearty heart heart things). This website was built out of that love, and because I built it with my own two hands (and millions of other hands that built the tools I used, but who's counting those?), I know exactly what it can do - and that I can build new features into it as I go along. Which is good because I plan to build some really weird stuff on this site, the kind that no sensible person would have paid a web developer to create. And that's why I had to learn the tools of the trade to bring this website into existence.

Last updated on April 25, 2023